Located at the corner of East Third Avenue and Walnut Street in Roselle, New Jersey the parish was founded in 1895 and has served the people of Roselle and Roselle Park ever since. The parish also has an elementary school, serving the community since 1913, providing classes from Pre-K through the 8th Grade. Our Rectory is located at 157 East Fourth Avenue, behind the church, our school is next to the church on East Third Avenue. We invite you and your family to join us because we are
More Than a Church, We are a Pilgrim People!
If you would like to join the parish please click on the Parish Registration Form box below. Follow the directions to register your family and become a part of the Saint Joseph's Roselle family!
Every Wdnesday of Lent / Todos los Miercoles de Cuaresma
7:30 AM: Mass
7:00 PM: Misa en Espanol
Every Friday of Lent / Todos los Viernes de Cuaresma
7:00 AM: Station of the Cross
7:30: Mass
6:00 PM: Confessions
7:00 PM: Estaciones de la Cruz
Rev. Leandro Nicolas Torres Mas, Pastor; 908-241-1250
Rev. Edgardo P. Jocson, Parochial Vicar; 908-241-1250
Arthur Kazmierczak, Receptionist; 908-241-1250
Anthony Esposito, RCIA Coordinator; 908-241-1250
Salvador Alberto Montalvo, Music Director; 908-267-7853
Patricia Cymbaluk, St. Joseph School Principal; 908-245-6560
Church Location
160 East 3rd Avenue
Roselle, New Jersey 07203
Parish Office
157 East 4th Ave.
Roselle, NJ 07203
Tel: 908-241-1250
Fax: 908-241-6311
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Parish email:
"Super 600" Raffle